Young Holstein Breeders Award

Chuck ZimmermanHolstein Association

Holstein Hacketts Spencer and Stacey Hackett, Rice, Minn., have been selected as the 2005 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeders by the Holstein Association USA, Inc.

The Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder award was started in 1988 to recognize significant accomplishments of young Registered Holstein breeders. It is one of the highest honors that the Holstein Association can bestow upon a member. The purpose of the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder award is to encourage young dairy producers to establish goals that will aid in their management decisions and that will help them achieve a profitable dairy operation with Registered Holsteins, and to motivate other dairy producers to achieve similar goals by creating the awareness of the successes young breeders have had with Registered Holsteins.

The Hacketts milk 135 Holsteins that average over 25,000 pounds of milk, 900 pounds of butterfat and 800 pounds of protein. They are pictured with their sons, Brook, left and Chris, right.