Distillers' Grains Expert

Chuck ZimmermanFeed

Jerry Shurson This is THE go-to guy for livestock nutrition information about distillers’ grains – dry or wet.

He is Dr. Jerry Shurson, a nutritionist with the University of Minnesota, AKA “The DDGs Expert.” He spoke this week at a seminar in Jefferson City, Missouri sponsored by the Missouri Corn Growers Association bringing together all the stakeholders who are being affected by the ethanol boom, namely the livestock industry.

Here is an interview that Cindy did with Dr. Shurson about using distillers grains. Listen To MP3 Dr. Shurson Interview (8 min mp3)

Here also is a link to the University of Minnesota Distillers Grains By-products Web Site, which is an excellent resource for the latest distillers grains nutrition research and information – www.ddgs.umn.edu.