AI Program in Iraq

Chuck ZimmermanAudio, Genetics, International

Paul McKellipsWe sure don’t hear much good news from Iraq in our mainstream media these days so I’m glad someone is making the effort to do so. It’s at best unfortunate what we’re seeing and hearing from traditional media and many of our politicians today. One guy who is still trying to get out the good news is Paul McKellips, US Embassy Baghdad, The Green Room, US Department of State, Public Affairs GO Team. He’s on loan from USDA. Paul is back for his 3rd trip of duty in Iraq.

Here’s his latest report featuring MAJ Kevin Wellington, a large animal vet who is running an A-I program to improve genetics in Iraqi dairy cows here: Listen to MP3 Paul McKellips Report (Short MP3)

I think Paul represents the vast majority of Americans who are serving in Iraq and other parts of the world. Here’s an excerpt from his letter that accompanied the report that will show you why I think he’s an American hero.

Things are much different now then they were even a few months ago. I sense two key differences: (1) the tone and constant drum beat of the Iraq War debate back home is now evident on the faces of soldiers and diplomats alike. I just got back from a mission to Ramadi in Anbar Province and I heard several Marines and soldiers discussing the futility of public support . . .

. . . But let me say this unequivocally…I will serve this President, support our military, and strive for Iraqi freedom every minute of every day until it’s my turn to fly home. I don’t care about the politics. I don’t care about the rhetoric. Our men and women in uniform are pulling off the impossible every day of the week. They deserve to have their stories told. I talked with a young Marine on a tarmac in Anbar Province last Saturday. He said, “if Americans don’t fight for these people’s freedom, then who will?” Hopefully his service will encourage more Iraqis to start fighting for their own freedom. I suspect they need to start doing that soon.

3 Comments on “AI Program in Iraq”

  1. Paul McKellips is a true American patriot! I’m glad he offers a different angle on this war. Keep up the good work, You are my hero.

  2. Paul McKellips is a true American patriot! I’m glad he offers a different angle on this war. Keep up the good work, You are my hero.

  3. Paul McKellips is a true American patriot! I’m glad he offers a different angle on this war. Keep up the good work, You are my hero.

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