Igenity Adds to Profile

News EditorBiotech, Genetics, Industry News

igenityMerial has announced two new analyses to the comprehensive IGENITY® profile.

Added to the DNA profile are a multiple-marker fertility analysis and an optional diagnostic test for persistent infection (PI) of the bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus.

DNA markers also have been added to the longevity and milk production analyses in the IGENITY profile — making them more powerful and increasing the amount of genetic variation accounted for in the profile.

“Fertility and productive life are major areas of concern for the dairy industry,” says Dr. Stewart Bauck, Executive Director of Strategic Marketing, IGENITY. “The recent advancements in the comprehensive IGENITY profile give producers a powerful tool for management and selection of these important traits — earlier than before.”

Dr. Bauck adds that the upgrade of the IGENITY profile in production and longevity traits is equally valuable. The profile now provides more information about the genetic potential for production traits and is extremely powerful in showing productive life differences in cows.