Leelanau Cheese Takes Home the Prize

News EditorCheese, Competition

Congrats to Leelanau Cheese Company for taking the Best in Show award at the 2007 American Cheese Society competition last week in Burlington, Vt. with their Aged Raclette. The entry beat out 1,200 cheeses to claim the prize.

It was the largest field in U.S. history, representing a 27% increase in entries over last year. Leelanau Cheese Co. owners Anne and John Hoyt make the semi-hard Swiss-style cheese at Black Star Farms in Suttons Bay, using pasteurized milk from a single dairy farm to make the eight- to nine-pound wheels.

Raclette, which has a mild, nutty flavor, typically is served melted with cornichons, boiled potatoes and chunks of bread for dipping. The cheese is available at their shop at Black Star Farms. Their only metro Detroit retailer is Whole Foods Market.