Stress Reducing Milk

News EditorInternational, Milk

Do you have a high-level of stress in your life? Then, try the new “adult milk!” Bottled by a Japanese dairy called Nakazawa Foods the milk might induce even more stress to consumers at a cost of $43 a quart. That’s nearly 30 times the price of regular milk!

According to Australia’s Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper, Tokyo-based Nakazawa Foods will start selling the Adult Milk line of products next month, aimed at “adults who live in a stressful society,” quoting the company’s press release.

The price is nearly 30 times as expensive as ordinary milk even in Tokyo, which is known for having the highest cost of living on the planet.

The milk is taken from cows once a week at the break of dawn as they produce higher levels of the hormone melatonin during the night, the company said. The hormone is reported to have ability to lower anxiety and even some forms of depression in people.

Bottled within six hours of milking at a farm north of Tokyo, Adult Milk is said to contain three to four times as much melatonin as the standard stuff.