California Milk Advisory Board Launches Mini-Documentary Series

Amanda NolzMedia, Milk

IMG_cal_milkI’m really excited about this new mini-documentary series that was recently launched by the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB). In 15 videos, which can be viewed here, dairy producers share their stories, their hopes and dreams, their struggles and the one thing they all have in common, pride. Check it out!

To give consumers a clearer understanding of where dairy products come from and showcase the people who produce them, the CMAB developed 15 “mini-documentaries” profiling dairy families throughout the state. The series also includes two companion pieces – one highlighting sustainability practices and the other on cow comfort.

From 14-year-old Tyler Regli’s goal of becoming a fifth-generation dairy producer to Johan Bartelink’s love of hosting educational school tours and Bob Giacomini’s dream of turning his milk into farmstead cheese, these documentaries demonstrate the diversity behind the state’s dairy industry – an industry responsible for producing more than 41 billion pounds of milk and creating approximately 435,000 jobs each year.

“These documentaries will help consumers connect with the California dairy families that put the food on their tables and create a better understanding of the standards and practices in place on today’s modern dairy operations,” said CMAB’s Vice President of Advertising, Michael Freeman. “While the Happy Cows “Auditions” ad campaign continues to be our primary tool in driving awareness and purchase intent, these documentaries allow us to tell a deeper story and engage consumers in a way no 30-second ad could.”

Source: Business Wire

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