Drink Milk, Win Nobel?

News EditorResearch

MilkA new study published in Practical Neurology suggests that countries whose people consume the most milk and dairy products, per capita, also win the most Nobel Prizes, per capita. Drinking milk makes you smart!

Take Sweden, the country most associated with the Nobel prizes. For every 10 million Swedes, there are 31.855 Nobel prizes. The Swedes also consume about 772 lb. (350 kg) of milk each, on average, over the course of a year, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The study’s authors, Sarah Linthwaite and Geraint N. Fuller of the Gloucester Royal Hospital in the United Kingdom, set out to find a link between milk and Nobel Prizes after reading a report last year that associated consumption of chocolate with Nobel wins.

The authors posit that milk consumption might be a reflection of a strong educational system. They also noted that milk is rich in vitamin D, which research has shown may boost brain power.

Source: Time Newsfeed