Sportsman Channel Unleashes a Full Week of “Aporkalypse 2014”

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Hunting

Sportsman ChannelWhen Brian “Pigman” Quaca decides to contribute to the eradication of the exploding feral hog population – few experts are better equipped. Beginning Monday, August 4 at 7 p.m. ET, Sportsman Channel returns with a full-week of the award-winning programming stunt – Aporkalypse 2014. The entire week of expanded hog eradication takes a deep dive into the many issues associated with the feral hog epidemic.

“When we came up with this concept, I’m not going to lie – I thought the level of danger was beyond ridiculous,” admitted Quaca. “It wasn’t about the body count…we conquered that fascination in 2012 and 2013. It was about the challenge of trying to show viewers a unique level of shooting difficulty, all while creating a slight level of in-show anxiety. It was crazy…period.”

The endless battle against feral hogs in the United States begins in Texas. According to Texas Parks and Wildlife, there is an estimated 1.5 million feral hogs in Texas. The average litter size is four to six with the capability of producing up to 12 (two litters per year). Feral hogs cause damage in many forms including: the death of livestock and wildlife, indirect destruction of habitat and agriculture commodities, forestry destruction and devastation of crops and fields as a result of the rooting and trampling activity associated with foraging for food. According to USA Today, feral hogs cause an estimated $1.5 billion in damages each year.

Aporkalypse 2014 leads into the anticipated premiere of Pigman: The Series (“Aparalypse”) on Sunday, August 10 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Here’s a sneak peak: