Zoetis Brings On-Farm Diagnostic Tests to Dairies in China

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Animal Health, Dairy, dairy farming, International

pfizerZoetis Inc. announced the introduction of on-farm cattle health screening tests for the dairy industry in China. These tests will enable China’s dairy farmers and veterinarians to rapidly screen cattle on the farm for sub-clinical mastitis and ketosis, two of the leading causes of lost production and poor milk quality in China. Test results will be available within five minutes, providing a quick, convenient tool to rapidly detect early signs of sub-clinical disease and help veterinarians and farmers better monitor and protect the health of dairy cows.

“In China, the incidence of sub-clinical mastitis and ketosis is about 10 to 30 percent with as many as 1.5 million milking cows at risk of these illnesses,” said Qing Wang, general manager, Zoetis in China. “Zoetis is committed to helping dairy farmers and veterinarians improve herd health and operational profit by providing a holistic solution that includes diagnostic testing and early intervention. I expect the new test kits will fill gaps in current technical protocols and benefit Chinese dairy farmers.”

The test kits, which have been used in the United States and Europe for several years, are manufactured by and imported from PortaCheck, Inc. The company, headquartered in Moorestown, New Jersey, USA, develops and markets portable testing devices for the dairy industry. Zoetis completed a supply and distribution partnership agreement in China with PortaCheck, Inc.