Elanco President at FFA

Cindy ZimmermanAnimal Health, Audio, Elanco, Food

14-ffa-simmonsElanco president Jeff Simmons delivered a powerful call to action to over 60,000 FFA members at the 87th Annual National FFA Convention.

Elanco has developed a campaign to bring awareness and solutions to those facing hunger and malnutrition around the world. Those behind the ENOUGH movement, and the thousands who have since joined the campaign, are committing to build a food secure world by 2050. Simmons spoke about ensuring not only safe, but affordable, nutritious food for our communities and he encouraged FFA members across the nation to take action and improve food security and support for farmers in their own communities, on their farms, and in social media by using their voice to share the story of food.

“Do something. Tell your story like you’ve never told it before and tell it to people who don’t know our story. Then do something to activate a solution now, don’t wait,” Simmons said. “The theme of this FFA Convention is ‘Go All Out’ and we need to go all out.”

Find out more about the ENOUGH movement and commit to helping end hunger issues by visiting SensibleTable.com. Check out #Feedthe9 on social media to follow the conversation.

After his address, AgWired intern Taylor Truckey interviewed Simmons about ENOUGH, #Feedthe9, and what youth can do to get involved. Interview with Jeff Simmons, Elanco

87th National FFA Convention Photos

Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by FMC