Pinkeye Management Tips from AgriLabs

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Animal Health, Cattle

AgrilabsAgriLabs® offers management tips to minimize the impact of pinkeye and face flies during these hot summer months.

“Once pinkeye begins to spread through a herd, it’s very hard to contain and control,” said Dr. Roger Winter, technical services veterinarian, AgriLabs. “That’s why preparing in advance for pinkeye is the best plan for a healthier herd and better weight gains at the end of the season.”

When developing an annual pinkeye plan, there are key steps that should be considered part of an overall plan: protect the herd before a pinkeye outbreak even occurs, maintain a proper diet and environment, and reduce fly population. Carefully following some of the tips below will help lead to an overall healthier herd.

Prevent with vaccines — Calves are most at risk and should be vaccinated along with cows. Vaccine protocols need to be started six to eight weeks before pinkeye cases typically begin within the herd. Several vaccines are available, which can make it difficult when selecting the best option for a herd. When evaluating pinkeye vaccines, a producer will want to make sure it has proven efficacy and that it’s safe. It’s best to look for a company that has a long track record of safely resolving pinkeye.

Manage the environment and provide proper nutrition — Eye irritation can be caused by tall grasses, so it’s best to keep pastures mowed. Also, as with many diseases, pinkeye outcomes can be influenced by nutritional imbalances, so it’s key to provide proper amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals.

Control with insecticides — A good fly control program is also essential. While there are many products available, it comes down to finding the right fly control tools that best fit an operation’s needs in terms of product and ease of application.

AgriLabs has a low-stress, no-confining approach producers can use to combat pink eye. VetGun™ uses CO2 power to project a precise dosage of AiM-L VetCap® containing an EPA-approved topical insecticide, Lambda Cyhalothrin, to treat the animal. The gelatin capsule bursts upon impact, allowing the topically applied insecticide to go to work immediately, an appreciated benefit of the AiM-L VetCap®.