CRV Launches HerdOptimizer

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Cattle, Dairy, Genetics, Genomics

crv usaCRV USA launches CRV HerdOptimizer to assist producers in reaching elite performance to maximize ROI on every animal in a herd during these times of fluctuating prices for milk, meat and resources. CRV is accepting 30 applicants to be the first U.S. HerdOptimizer herds.

HerdOptimizer is an efficient and easy-to-use genomic herd management tool for dairy farmers who are innovators using or looking to use genomic selection for their entire herd. The program can be tailor made using the producer’s own goals through an online supporting tool.

As a member, you receive a detailed genomic evaluation of the total herd including unique CRV functional traits like hoof health, udder health and feed intake from genomic tested females. New breeding values and for those producers using robots, Robot Efficiency, Milk Interval and Habituation. These traits were first precisely phenotypically proven, then followed by genomic evaluation. The report is customized to your personal needs with this detailed information presented in an online application that you will help design. HerdOptimizer can be extended with an optional SireMatch mating service, semen packages and genetic consultation.

To become a CRV HerdOptimizer member, or learn more about CRV’s people, or products in your area, please visit their website or give us a call at 855-CRV-COWS.