Talking Turkey: See through Myths on Cages, Farms & Antibiotics

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Animal Health, Animal Welfare, National Turkey Federation, Poultry, Turkey

America’s turkey farmers, represented by the National Turkey Federation, have prepared a new series of videos and resources offering common-sense answers about raising healthy turkey flocks on family farms.

“People are curious and like to understand more about their food and where it comes from,” said Minnesota turkey farmer John Zimmerman. “It’s satisfying to know consumers can appreciate how turkey farming is both practical and sustainable, and the answers to their questions are all common-sense.”

“The videos aim to satisfy the public’s curiosity about a turkey farmer’s practical approach to raising their flock and to encourage consumers’ appreciation of their food from farm to fork,” said Keith Williams of the National Turkey Federation. “These short videos present the exaggerated myths of turkey farming with a bit of humor that welcomes curiosity and encourages questions.”

America’s Turkey Farmers website introduces the farmers, farmwork, and the food they provide for the consumer enjoyment of Turkey.The Perfect Protein®. The depth of experience and attention to caring for turkeys can be reviewed on the website in the Stewardship Manual written and adopted by the country’s turkey farmers as members of the National Turkey Federation. The website also offers concise fact sheets for turkey’s lean protein options among a variety of cuts for meals throughout the week that can be grilled, baked, sautéed or served as snacks.

The online resources follow the successful engagement with the public from 1.3 million views on YouTube of the “Turkey Farm and Processing Plant” video visit by the world’s leading animal welfare expert, Dr. Temple Grandin.