Reality-Driven Pricing for Corn Silage

Chuck ZimmermanAudio, Forage Forum, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Podcast

Pioneer Hi-Bred Forage Forum PodcastShould the cost of purchasing corn silage be driven by quantity or quality? Dr. Bill Mahanna, coordinator of global nutritional sciences for Pioneer Hi-Bred, believes in retiring the 30-year-old rule of thumb, the Board of Trade price for corn times seven or eight. Current lab methods and credible indexes are more accurate in determining relative values to dairy operators and fairly compensating silage growers. Bill details various pricing opportunities in a spreadsheet, which he’s willing to share. For a copy, e-mail him at

Listen to these observations and let Bill know your thoughts. Listen To MP3 File Dr. Bill Mahanna on reality-driven silage pricing (3 min MP3)

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