Save on Feed Costs

News EditorBiotech, Feed

MycogenlogoWith low milk prices, producers are looking for anyway to increase profits. Mycogen brand Silage-Specific BMR hybrids can help your herd produce 4.8 more pounds of milk and save money on purchased grain! Click here to use Mycogen’s online ROI calculator and hear producer success stories.

Dairy producers who feed their cows Silage-Specific BMR hybrids are generally able to feed 3 pounds less grain per cow per day because Silage-Specific BMR hybrids are more digestible and increase dry matter intake. This allows for lower grain feeding and improvements in rumen health, since higher-forage diets tend to be healthier. As a result, dairy producers can not only save money on purchased grain, approximately $0.08 per cow per day (when purchasing grain at $3.50 per bushel), but they also will see an increase in the return on investment (ROI) from seed by switching to Silage-Specific BMR.

Sixteen university and independent scientific reports published since 1999 have proven Silage-Specific BMR hybrids can produce an average of 4.8 pounds more milk per cow per day than cows fed non-BMR hybrids.
“The milk response is well worth the higher up-front seed costs with producers seeing an ROI ratio approaching 5:1 and getting the additional benefits of a higher forage ration,” says Greg Cannon, Forage Marketing Specialist, Mycogen Seeds. “The bottom line is that feeding Mycogen brand Silage-Specific BMR hybrids when grain prices are high increases profitability two ways, through more milk and also through lower feed costs.”