Yogurt Could Boost Immunity

News EditorHealth, Yogurt

yogurtYogurt has fast become a “super” food in 2007 – and one doctor in Denver, Colo. is reminding consumers that yogurt can help improve immunity.

Foods available at the grocery store that claim to boost immunity are a simple matter of eating good bacteria to fight bad bacteria and viruses. Foods with pro-biotics can improve immunity and perhaps digestion, Dr. Dave Hnida reports.

Several studies show people who eat yogurt every day producer more infection fighting cells and have stronger immune systems than those who don’t eat yogurt.

As long as it says live and active cultures on the label, any yogurt should do the trick, Hnida says.

There are some products and special yogurts that have concentrated amounts of a special good bacteria that can also really improve the immune system. Lab studies seem to prove that those claims hold water.