Here’s your chance to comment on amendments the USDA has made to three Southeastern Federal orders. The changes were made based on testimony and evidence given at a public hearing in Tampa, Fla. in May 2007. All comments are due by April 29.
USDA has amended the three Southeastern Federal orders by raising their Class I prices. The interim decision raises Class I differentials in the Florida, Appalachian, and Southeast markets by between 10¢ in Louisville, Kentucky, and $1.40 in Miami, Florida. Similarly, the transportation credit programs in the Appalachian and Southeast markets have also been expanded. Other provisions in these two markets will reduce the volume of pooled milk that a handler can divert to non-pool plants, but reduce the number of days that a producer’s milk must be delivered to a pool plant, in order to simplify hauling logistics.
This decision is based on testimony and evidence given at a public hearing held at Tampa, Fla., May 21-23, 2007. USDA will conduct referendums to determine if producers approve the amended orders. If approved, USDA will issue an interim order making the amendments effective.