Dairy Markets Week in Review
Cash cheese prices continued to inch higher on unfilled bids Thanksgiving Day week while butter continued to head south. The 40-pound block price closed the holiday-shortened week at $1.8025 per pound, up 3 1/4-cents on the week, but 20 3/4-cents below that week a year ago when the blocks plunged 19 cents only to rebound 18 1/4 the following week, and then plunge 26 1/4 the week after that.
500-pound barrel closed Wednesday at $1.79, up a nickel on the week, but 22 3/4-cents below a year ago. Nothing sold Thanksgiving Week in the cash cheese market. The NASS-surveyed product prices were issued after our dead line due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Cash butter dropped to $1.50 Wednesday, down 9 cents on the week, but still 18 cents above a year ago. Nothing was sold.
Provided courtesy of Dairyline.