Dairy Markets Week in Review

News EditorDairyline

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review

Cash cheese prices were mixed in the shortened 4th of July week. The blocks closed Thursday at $1.1150 per pound, down a half-cent on the week, 80 3/4-cents below a year ago, and 1 1/2-cents below support. Barrel closed at $1.10, up a penny on the week, 77 1/2-cents below a year ago, and right at support. Twenty nine cars of block traded hands on the week and 11 of barrel. The NASS-surveyed U.S. average block price hit $1.1490, down slightly. Barrel averaged $1.1123, down a half-cent.

Cash butter slipped this week, closing at $1.1925, down 1 1/4-cents on the week, and 36 cents below a year ago. Ten cars were sold on the week. NASS butter averaged $1.1703, down 3.9 cents. NASS nonfat dry milk averaged 84.93 cents, up 0.3 cent, and dry whey averaged 27.2 cents, down 0.3 cent on the week.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline