Good reminder for all of those involved in agriculture, and all those who care about agriculture.
The newly launched Missouri Farmers Care Web site encourages people to find out more about farmers and how food gets from field to plate, and offers stories from farmers around the state who farm because they care. The group recently released a YouTube video, “HSUS Revealed!” which has already garnered 34,000 hits.
“This video provides a great snapshot into HSUS’ true intentions by revealing significant cracks in the image the organization chooses to portray,” says Alan Wessler, DVM, Columbia, Mo.
Farmers and ranchers are still looked upon favorably by the consuming public, Wessler adds. “We are at a point where livestock and companion raisers must tell their story — how they care for their animals, how that compassion comes through as evidenced by the extra efforts they put forth in the dead of winter, the heat of summer, etc. — before the story told by animal rights groups takes center stage in the public’s mind.”
HSUS has had ballot initiatives in 13 states, designed to hinder the production of animal agriculture (poultry, swine, veal and dogs) and to restrict/shut down sport hunting. “One of the things we realized in Missouri was just because the election was over did not mean that PETA and HSUS were going to go away,” Wessler says. “The battle to protect the livelihood of today’s animal agriculture producers is a long-term issue, and farmers, ranchers, veterinarians, and agribusiness of all sizes need to share the good things animal agriculture is doing.”
HSUS actions and comments clearly show their intent to discredit animal agriculture and press toward a vegan lifestyle, at a time when the world will need twice the current protein production in the next 40 years, notes Wessler. “And, all the while, they’ll be using emotional ads and crises to collect money from a sympathetic, but unsuspecting public.”
Source: Drovers CattleNetwork