Congratulations to Brad Barham, of Calhoun, Tenn., for being named the American Jersey Association’s Business Development Specialist.
In this newly created position, Barham will market and provide customer support for internet-based Herd Services, genomic testing services and young sire development programs, in addition to seeking new domestic and international business for the USJersey organizations. He will be based in the headquarters offices in Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
Barham received a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Tennessee Wesleyan College in May of 2010, and was selected by the faculty to receive the Townsend Award for all-around excellence among members of the graduating class. A scholarship basketball player and Dean’s List student, Brad was inducted into the Alpha Chi academic honor society in 2009 and was one of 94 national Daktronics-NAIA Scholar Athletes in 2010.
Over the past decade, Brad has been genetic and reproduction manager at Barham Jersey Farm, a 210-cow Registered Jersey™ herd enrolled on the AJCA REAP program and member of Dixieland Jersey Sires Inc. He has negotiated more than 30 contracts with eight A.I. organizations in the last two years, facilitated early adoption of genomic testing in the herd, and coordinates its embryo transfer program. Brad was also instrumental in the creation of the Bar-Berry partnership with Berry College, Mt. Berry, Ga., and securing A.I. contracts for the college Jersey dairy.
Barham was selected for the inaugural class of Jersey Youth Academy (2009). He was the ninth-high individual overall, and fourth in Jerseys, at the 2004 National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest. He was also an intern at ABS Global, Inc., acquiring training in marketing, sales, and reproductive technologies.
For the past year, he has worked as retail sales representative with Verizon Wireless, earning numerous recognitions for sales and overall performance.