Love pizza and farming? Then you need to be part of the movement to thank Domino’s Pizza for their support of agriculture. This weekend, May 18-20, order a pizza from your local Domino’s and present them with a thank you note.
In April Domino’s Pizza shareholders rejected a resolution proposed by the Humane Society of the United States to require its pork suppliers to stop housing sows in gestation stalls. In fact 80% of shareholders voted against the resolution. A Domino’s spokesperson says the company relies on animal experts to determine the best way to raise an animal that’s used for food.
The blog The Truth About Agriculture started a Facebook Group, Farmers Paying it Forward with Pizza where you can show your support.
Missouri hog farmer and agvocate Chris Chinn put forth the idea last week in a blog post she wrote for Just Farmers.
Chinn says, “Domino’s decision speaks volumes to me as a farmer. It shows they trust the experts I trust. It shows they trust me. I appreciate that.”
Source: Ohio Ag Net