National Turkey Federation Responds to Avian Flu

Kelly MarshallAg Group, avian flu, Poultry, Turkey

NTF 75th logo final

NTF 75th logo final

The National Turkey Federation has updated its resources for members responding to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).  Their comprehensive response manual now contains advise and a checklist for members needing to respond to the infection.

“These tools will help NTF members to deal with an HPAI outbreak as well as reassure our key stakeholders that the poultry industry is working decisively and effectively to protect public health and the food supply,” said NTF Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Vice President Lisa Wallenda Picard.

Throughout 57 pages, the updated manual spotlights specific biosecurity recommended by the Turkey Health and Welfare Committee to NTF Animal Welfare Guidelines based on lessons learned from the spring HPAI outbreak, as well as providing direct links to newly available USDA checklists and procedures.

Also today, USDA released its fall planning documents – many incorporated within the NTF response manual. USDA has updated its policies and procedures to ensure more rapid detection and depopulation. NTF is supportive of USDA’s approved emergency methods, as well as clarity around how farmers can seek indemnity payments and resume raising turkeys.

the updated manual includes a variety of information, including; appraisal and indemnity procedures, surveillance of backyard flocks, and cleaning and disinfection basics.  Visit the website for more information.