Swine Fitness Solutions from Hubbard Feeds

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Animal Health, Feed, Nutrition, Pig, Swine

Hubbard Logo_outlined use Gut health is the foundation of pig health and immunity, and Hubbard Feeds is committed to working with their customers and keep the focus on gut health, daily nutrient intake and optimal marketing weight to produce pigs that are fit both physically and financially.

The foundation of pig health and quality nutrition is the use of digestible ingredients, high quality proteins, and key additives that promote gut health integrity, which are key components of Hubbard’s starter programs.

To help ensure pigs are being produced in a way that is “financially fit,” Hubbard’s Smart Choices Dashboard works to evaluate production parameters, current economic costs, and market opportunities to determine the right market weight to optimize a customer’s return over feed costs. The dashboards give a snapshot of where a customer is at financially, and where they need to be in order to reach whatever goals they have in mind.

Customers interested in learning more about how Hubbard Feeds can help them reach their goals are encouraged to stop by the Hubbard booth (VIB 419) at the World Pork Expo, talk to a Hubbard representative, and register to win a Fitbit.