Big Picture Ideas for Future of Pork Policy

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Audio, NPPC, Policy, Pork, Research, Trade, World Pork Expo

wpx-16-17-editedThe World Pork Expo each years brings to life key policy issues that impact the producers and consumers alike. As the policy arm of the pork industry, the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) is always busy tackling current issues. But I sat down with NPPC CEO Neil Dierks to talk about the future.

“Our vision is for NPPC to be the global voice in the U.S. pork industry. With that, our mission is three fold. We fight for reasonable legislation and regulations. We also work with market opportunities and for us the definition is trade policy. It is all about getting access to other nations. Our last mission is centered around freedom to operate. We work to ensure there is an atmosphere where producers can do what they do best.”

As we round out 2016, Neil discussed the future and industry issues we will continue to see throughout 2017 and beyond. One of those is our growing population. The entire agricultural community is talking about the challenge in feeding the 9 billion by 2050. “The demand for food will double and that really excites me. The opportunities for agriculture are phenomenal, but the challenges are great.”

One of the long-term, stout issues Neil views as very important for our future is research. Publicly available research funding has been stagnant since the 1960’s. Yes, we have research being conducted, but Neil compared our levels with China, who is doubling the amount of research being done here in the U.S.

“Another issue important, not only to the pork industry, is disease. How do we make sure we are protecting the industry. And not only protecting in this age of globalization, but also reacting better in identifying and containing it.”

Listen to my complete interview with Neil to learn more about his big picture ideas for the future of the pork industry. Interview with Neil Dierks, NPPC CEO

View and download photos from the event here:2016 World Pork Expo Photo Album
