John Glisson, head of research for USPOULTRY was recently at the International Production & Processing Expo where Chuck Zimmerman caught up with him to talk about the winner of this year’s Charles Beard Research Excellence Award.
“[The award is] to recognize really outstanding work done with USPOULTRY grants,” Glisson tells Chuck. “Our winner this year was Dr. Will Merka, who is a professor emeritus at the University of Georgia. He spent his whole career working on environmental issues that pertain to the poultry industry, particularly waste water management. At the time people thought he was crazy, I think, but now the whole industry uses everything Dr. Merka did.”
Dr. Merka made use of 10 grants during his career, Glisson recounts, and the organization is very happy to honor him for his achievements. It’s unusual, Dr. Merka notes, to be rewarded for research in waste management, but clearly the topic is of utmost importance to today’s producers.
Listen to Chuck’s full interview with Glisson here to learn more about the Charles Beard Research Excellence Award:
Interview with John Glisson, USPOULTRY