Reducing Mortality with Barricade PRRS

Carrie MuehlingAgWired Animal, Aptimmune, PRRS, Swine, Vaccine

Participants in the 2018 Aptimmune Scientific Symposium heard some real world examples of how Barricade PRRS is helping farmers to fight the illness in their herds.

Dr. Natalie Baker shared evidence of the vaccine’s success after Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) broke on an Indiana operation in April 2017.

“We followed these pigs out and looked at mortality data to see if there was a reduction in the vaccinated group versus non-vaccinated group,” said Baker. “What we saw was there was what seemed to be a significant reduction in mortality from about 3.3 percent down to 1.8 percent in the vaccinated groups. Still waiting on more data to come as these pigs are marketed.”

Baker said she expects PRRS to continue to impact the swine industry, so every tool available could help to reduce mortality and save more pigs.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Dr. Baker here: Interview with Dr. Natalie Baker, Legacy Veterinary Clinic

2018 Aptimmune Scientific Symposium Photo Album