Farm toy enthusiasts can add a new implement to their collections with the KEENAN MechFibre365 Mixer Wagon.
“What we normally see is if the real thing sells in the real world, then we see a similar thing in the toy,” said Natalie Frow, European Brand Manager for Tomy Britains. “So we work together with them, we get the 3D data with them, we work with our engineers in China and we produced prototypes which we then adapted to make it look like the real thing.”
KEENAN invited local school groups to the company’s headquarters in Dublin for factory tours to celebrate the release of the toy, which will be available beginning in April from KEENAN and toy retailers throughout Europe, primarily in the United Kingdom.
Listen to Jamie’s interview with Natalie here: Interview with Natalie Frow, Tomy Britains
Alltech KEENAN Great Green Getaway Photo Album