What Bloggers are Saying…

Amanda NolzGeneral

amanda_nolz1I like to keep up-to-date on the news, trends, developments and consumer perceptions of the dairy industry. I often stop by blogs that are starting conversations about dairy production, and I found one today worth noting. The blog is called A Pictorialist Blog, and the writer is a photographer from Brooklyn, NY. She has just returned to vegetarianism, and is making the next step towards veganism. Here is an excerpt from her latest blog entry, “Milk.”

Pregnancy, lactation…are all of the nine million dairy cows across the country pregnant? For how long are they able produce this milk? Do their lives really only consist of standing in stalls, getting mechanically milked, and giving birth over and over again? I had to find out. Well, with some investigation…I discovered that it is a 12 – 15 month revolving process that includes insemination, birth, and lactation. After the milk stops being produced cows are re-impregnanted over and over again– until they are infertile and die. This just seems wrong. I’m going to farther my efforts to reduce dairy intake, until reaching a completely non-dairy lifestyle. I believe we vote with our money — I vote for soy, and against inhumane milk production.

As dairy industry professionals, it might be worth your time to take five minutes out of your day to leave a comment to this blogger. Tell her about your life in dairy production. Explain to her the reasons behind your practices. Provide her with a few links on dairy cattle and dairy nutrition. Be kind, be respectful, share the science and show your emotions. We could just change this New Yorker’s mind about dairy. Good luck!