Dairy Markets Week in Review
Cash dairy prices were mixed in the Martin Luther King Day holiday shortened week. Block cheese closed Friday at $1.48 per pound, up 6 1/2-cents on the week and 40 1/2-cents above a year ago. Barrel closed at $1.5050, up 4 cents on the week, and 40 1/2-cents above a year ago. Four cars of block traded hands on the week and one of barrel. The NASS-surveyed U.S. average block price lost 9.3 cents, slipping to $1.5483. Barrel averaged $1.4794, up 0.1 cent.
Butter went in the other direction, closing Friday at $1.4675, down 5 3/4-cents on the week, but still 36 1/2-cents above a year ago. Fourteen cars were sold. NASS butter averaged $1.3391, up 0.9 cent. NASS nonfat dry milk averaged $1.2879, down 6.3 cents, and dry Whey averaged 39.02 cents, up 0.2 cent.
Provided courtesy of Dairyline.