Fescue Problems in the Plains

Andy VanceEducation, Production, University

You may have an opportunity to turn fescue problems into strong pastures this season, according to the University of Missouri Extension. Beacuase of this year’s early onset of warm Spring weather, tall fescue fields have reared seed heads nearly a month ahead of normal. As you know, the fescue seeds carry high levels of toxicity that can reduce weight gains and lower milk production, so this news is troubling. But the story doesn’t end there.

Extension forage experts suggest that you can turn this situation to your favor by mowing your pastures now. If you do nothing, the toxins will poison your cattle. Mow now and you’ll have two months of Spring left for regrowth, which should, with proper management, lead to some great foraging. Because of the early growth, the mowing and ensuing regrowth will lead to a higher quality forage with improved nutritive value.

The reason the regrowth will improve your forage is that the seed only produces once per season, so mowing it will encourage additional leaf growth, nearly eliminating the toxins present in the seeds. Mow low enough to cut below the seed heads, and only mow if the field is fairly well developed in terms of seed head. If there are only a few seeds present, manage as normal.

0 Comments on “Fescue Problems in the Plains”

  1. Andy’s wife Lindsay here….now he’s really done it! Keeping the world up-to-speed on the latest happenings in the dairy industry is one thing, but interfering with my chance to win LOTS of free ice cream is….well, it’s a problem.

    He is right though….I do love our dog. She roams about the farm during the day and snuggles into her bed in the barn each evening. Too bad for Andy she’s not sleeping on a full-size bed. I’m pretty sure she’s not going to want to share, so he’s probably going to have quite a backache after this.

    OK….so I won’t make him sleep in the barn. But on a more serious note, if you win the ice cream party for your neighborhood, will you at least make sure we get an invitation?