Got Leche?

Chuck ZimmermanGeneral

Because an estimated one-third of Hispanics in this country are overweight and because New York is one of the most obese cities in the US, the milk industry is specifically targeting New York’s Hispanic residents to sign-up for the Great American Weight Loss Challenge. The 12-week program “provides the necessary tools to start losing weight in a healthy manner. The plan recommends drinking 24 ounces (or 3 glasses) of low-fat or fat-free milk every 24 hours, as part of a reduced calorie diet and an exercise program,” according to a release.

The Challenge stop in New York as part of a 75 city national tour, including the 8 most important Hispanic cities. So far, the tour has stopped in Miami, San Antonio, Phoenix, Houston, Los Angeles, and Chicago, and, after visiting New York, will visit Dallas, its last Hispanic city, in August. Among these 8 Hispanic cities, 7 (including New York) are among the list of the 25 most obese cities in the US: Chicago (1), Los Angeles (3), Dallas (4), Houston (5), San Antonio (12), Miami (14), and New York (25).

The Challenge is being promoted on the milk industry’s Hispanic website –