Dairyline Markets In Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review

Dairy prices remain weak. Block cheese at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange closed Friday at $1.16 per pound, unchanged on the week, but 39 cents below a year ago. Barrel closed at $1.12, down 3 cents, and 39 cents below a year ago. Five cars of each traded hands on the week. The NASS U.S. average block price fell to $1.1789, down 1.1 cents. Barrel averaged $1.1725, down 1.6 cents.

Butter closed at $1.1450, down three-quarter cents on the week, and 49 1/2-cents below a year ago. Three cars were sold. The NASS butter price averaged $1.1291, down 0.4 cent.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.

Not Happy With USDA

Chuck ZimmermanDairy Group, Government

IDFAAccording to IDFA, USDA is getting some pressure from a lot of dairy companies and cooperatives over their recent decision to delay milk price formula changes. The letter was signed by 25 executives.

A Report From Beef Board COO Monte Reese

Chuck ZimmermanAudio, Beef Checkoff

Monte ReeseThe last item on the agenda here at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Reno is the board meeting which is going on now. It’s a combined meeting of the Beef Board and NCBA. I thought you might be interested to hear a great report given this morning by Beef Board Chief Operating Officer Monte Reese was on the program at this morning’s board meeting to give a report on the activities of the Checkoff.

President of the NCBA

Chuck ZimmermanAudio, Beef Checkoff

Mike JohnI don’t know how many dairy producers are members of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association but I thought you might be interested to hear from the President. He’s Mike John, from Missouri (left). Mike took over the reigns in January at the annual convention. Here at the Summer Conference he said he was happy to hear about how beef demand has been good recently but knows that there’s a lot of work to do to continue to grow demand for his product.

Meet The Beefmobile Wrangler

Chuck ZimmermanAudio, Beef Checkoff

Tracey OrsburnTracey Orsburn is one of the Beefmobile Wranglers and is here at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. She puts in a lot of miles travelling around the country and making sure producers better understand the Checkoff. Her vehicle is also a travelling billboard for beef.