Dairyline Markets In Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review

Temperatures are up, milk production is down, and dairy product prices are rising, although the rebound has been reluctant in cheese. Cash block started the week jumping 3 3/4-cents but relapsed some and closed the first Friday in August at $1.1950 per pound, up 3 1/4-cents on the week, but still 20 3/4 cents below that week a year ago. Barrel closed Friday at $1.16, up 4 cents on the week, but 22 cents below a year ago. Sixteen cars of block traded hands this week and two of barrel. Meanwhile, the NASS-surveyed U.S. average block price hit $1.1530, down 0.2 cent. Barrel averaged $1.1285, down 1.9 cents.

Cash butter closed Friday at $1.2850, up 8 1/2-cents on the week, but 44 1/2 cents below a year ago when butter jumped 14 cents to $1.73. Twenty eight cars were sold this week. NASS butter averaged $1.1428, up 1.5 cents.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.

Shared Expectations for Better Corn Silage

Chuck ZimmermanAudio, Forage Forum, Pioneer Hi-Bred

Pioneer Hi-Bred Forage Forum PodcastAn up-front dialogue between the nutritionist and custom cutter can pay dividends, says Dr. Bill Mahanna, coordinator of global nutritional sciences for Pioneer Hi-Bred. A nutritionist’s ration plans can change year-to-year, so variables such as length of chop and degree of processing should be adjusted accordingly. If the nutritionist shows desirable corn silage samples to the custom cutter and clarifies needs in advance, it diminishes subjectivity and improves everyone’s satisfaction. Bill has suggestions for encouraging this face-to-face planning. Listen to them and tell Bill your experiences.