Lagoon Dredging

Chuck ZimmermanAgribusiness

Greenflash TechnologiesI just got an email from a company called Greenflash Technologies. They have a new product they’d like dairy producers to be aware of. It’s called Green Lagoon Technology. Here’s some information from a flyer they sent.

GFT “Green Lagoon Technology” (“Green Lagoon”) dredges animal waste lagoons at a fraction of the cost of mechanical dredging without the excessive costs and lagoon damage associated with mechanical dredging. Mechanical dredging is old fashioned, expensive, labor intensive, time wasting, with noxious odors prevalent throughout the lagoon evaporation and dredging cycles. Green Lagoon Technology is “Next Generation” technology. It does not rely solely upon a single scientific discipline to achieve its outstanding results. Instead, it combines the latest bio-technology utilizing many strains of microbes, some only recently discovered, with advanced agricultural science utilizing proprietary media culture and micro nutrients. Together they provide a truly unique product bio-complex. Green Lagoon additives work 24 hours a day, EVERY DAY, to keep lagoons liquefied, deodorized and free from heavy sludge layers – truly “Next Generation” technology. Green Lagoon consists of two proprietarily formulated products, one liquid (FarmPlus-845), and one dry (FarmSaver- 311).

Consider yourself informed.