Milk Still the Best Value

News EditorGovernment, Industry News, Milk

Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture, Dennis Wolff, reminds us of the real value of milk, despite the media’s attempts to “cash in” on the cost of milk in the grocery store. Quart for quart milk is still the best value for your money.

Consumers are concerned because the price of milk in retail stores has increased, in some cases nearly $.40 per gallon since the first of the year. Contrary to popular belief, our dairy producers do not set the price of milk and are not benefiting from the increased store prices. On average, they only receive about $.30 for every dollar that consumers spend on milk and dairy products.

Using average grocery store prices:

2% milk – 1 quart = $.96

Sport drink – 1 quart = $1.19

Bottled water – 1 quart = $1. 79

Cranberry juice – 1 quart = $1.88

Orange juice – 1 quart = $2.19

The nutritional value of milk alone outweighs its competitors. For example, a 16-ounce bottle of 1-percent milk offers nine vitamins and minerals, including protein, vitamins A and D, and more than half of the daily recommended amount of calcium. A 16-ounce bottle of regular soda only offers more than 10 teaspoons of sugar – for at least a quarter more!

For just pennies per ounce, consumers are cashing in on one of the best buys in the store when picking up a gallon of milk. What other purchase allows you to actually get more than what you pay for?