Dairyline Markets In Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review
Block cheese continued to get bid higher the second week of November and closed Friday at $2.15 per pound, up 9 1/2-cents on the week, and 72 1/4-cents above a year ago. Barrel, after losing a penny and a quarter on Wednesday, rallied, and closed Friday at $2.03, up 2 3/4-cents on the week, 59 cents above a year ago, but 12 cents below the blocks. Three cars of block was traded and nine of barrel. The NASS-surveyed U.S. average block price hit $1.9239, up 5.8 cents. Barrel averaged $1.9268, up 1.7 cents.

Butter closed Friday at $1.3750, down a penny on the week, but 7 3/4-cents above a year ago. Thirty cars were sold. NASS butter averaged $1.2872, up 1.9 cents. NASS nonfat dry milk averaged $1.9212, down 14.5 cents. Dry whey averaged 43.87 cents, up 1.8 cents.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.