Dairyline Markets In Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review
Cheese trading turned heads the second week of April. Tuesday saw the block price top the barrel price by 16 cents. That’s not a record. There was a 22 1/2-cent spread in August 2000, according to brokers at Downes-O’Neill. Block closed Friday at $1.8350 per pound, up 2 1/4-cents on the week, and 41 cents above a year ago. Barrel closed at $1.75, down a half-cent on the week but 33 3/4-cents above a year ago. Twenty one cars of block traded hands on the week and 17 of barrel. The NASS U.S. average block price fell to $1.7934, down 4.2 cents. Barrel averaged $1.7854, down 2.4 cents.

Cash butter closed the week at $1.39, up 1 3/4-cents and 1 1/2-cents above a year ago. Only two cars traded hands all week. NASS butter averaged $1.3391, up 1.3 cents. NASS nonfat dry milk averaged $1.2490, up 0.7 cent. Dry whey averaged 25.54 cents, up a penny.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.