Dairyline Markets In Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review
The cash cheese market saw more strength this week. Butter saw its first decline since March 25th, but recovered. The blocks closed Friday at $1.9050 per pound, up 7 cents on the week, and 42 1/4-cents above a year ago. Barrel closed at $1.84, up 9 cents on the week, and 35 1/2 above a year ago. 17 cars of barrel traded hands on the week and no block. The U.S. NASS-average block price hit $1.7963, up 0.3 cent. Barrel averaged $1.7789, down 1.1 cent.

Butter closed at $1.3925, up a quarter-cent on the week and a quarter-cent above a year ago. Only two cars were sold on the week. NASS butter averaged $1.3452, up 0.6 cent. Nonfat dry milk averaged $1.2418, down 0.8 cent, and dry whey averaged 24.98 cents, down 0.6 cent.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.