Accelerated Genetics Young Producer

News EditorAccelerated Genetics

acceleratedgenlogoYoung dairy producers from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois came together at the end of March for Accelerated Genetics’ 25th Annual Young Producer Leadership Conference entitled ‘Cultivating Leaders’! The more than 50 producers ‘grew’ their leadership, communication and inter-generational relationship skills at this special leadership training seminar.

The producers heard from a variety of speakers during the two-day seminar, including Jolene Brown, Roger Ripley, President & CEO Accelerated Genetics, Brian Brown, Chair of the Board of Directors for Accelerated Genetics and the Midwest Dairy Association.

Roger Ripley comments about the program, “The Accelerated Genetics Young Producer Program is the foundation of our cooperative’s future. Our priority is to develop future leadership by listening to the needs of the next generation, enlisting input and encouraging involvement. Our hope is that life-long friendships will be created that will help participants be more successful in their own farm operations as well as in their contributions to the agricultural sector.”