Dairyline Markets in Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review
The block cheese price hit a record high $2.2850 per pound on Friday the highest it’s been since November 2007, up 20 1/2-cents on the week and 48 1/4-cents above that week a year ago.

Barrel closed at $2.25, up 22 cents on the week and 45 cents above a year ago. Only three cars of block traded hands and 22 of barrel. The NASS U.S. average block price hit $1.9567, up 2.9 cents. Barrel averaged $1.9665, up 5.9 cents.

Cash butter took a breather following four weeks of gains and closed Friday at $1.49, down a penny on the week and 2 cents below a year ago. Fifteen cars were sold on the week. NASS butter averaged $1.4341, up 2.2 cents.

Both cash Grade A and Extra Grade nonfat dry milk closed Friday at $1.45 per pound, up 3 cents on the week. NASS powder averaged $1.2944, down 1 1/2-cents. Dry whey averaged 27.33 cents, up a penny.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.