Dairyline Markets In Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review
The cheese price roller coaster is just that, a roller coaster. The August 8th rally appeared to continue Monday, with blocks gaining a penny following Friday’s 6 1/4-cent gain. Barrel jumped 3 cents, following a nickel gain the previous Thursday and Friday, but prices suffered a relapse from there and block closed Friday, August 15th at $1.76 per pound, down three quarter cents on the week, and 20 cents below a year ago.

Barrel closed at $1.70, down 2 cents on the week, and 19 cents below a year ago. Twenty seven cars of block traded hands on the week and 12 of barrel. The NASS-surveyed U.S. average block price hit $1.9627, down 0.6 cent. Barrel averaged $1.8853, down 6.6 cents.

Butter closed Friday at $1.6450, down a half-cent on the week but 26 1/2-cents above a year ago when it lost a dime. Thirty seven cars were sold this week. NASS butter averaged $1.5576, up 4.4 cents. Nonfat dry milk averaged $1.3953, down 0.2 cent, and dry whey averaged 25.13 cents, down 0.7 cent.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.