Video Contest Inspires Students

News EditorGeneral

ftslogo-300x253Students in kindergarten through college can enter the National Farm to School Program “Real Food is…” video contest through Feb. 8. The contest is intended to inform, inspire and encourage student advocacy to connect community, food, land and physical environment through Farm-to-Cafeteria programs. The winning videos will be prominently posted on YouTube in the spring and the winning directors will receive $1,000 for their cafeteria projects.

To enter the contest, students must create a 30-second to 3-minute video, completing the phrase, “Real food is…” while addressing:

* What real food means to them.
* How does what we eat affect our culture, health, economy, or environment?
* Why should your school cafeteria start or continue buying local foods?

The contest is sponsored by Action for Healthy Kids, a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the epidemic of overweight, undernourished and sedentary youth by focusing on changes in schools. Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association and the National Dairy Council® are proud partners of the program.

Nutrition experts warn that Americans are overweight yet undernourished. To help get balanced nutrition in their diets, children are encouraged to eat adequate quantities of nutrient-rich foods – especially those foods from the Dietary Guidelines’ “Food Groups to Encourage”: including lowfat and fat-free milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The Farm to School program brings nourishing foods from local farmers to school children.