Holstein Association USA Reveals Redesigned Web Site

News EditorHolstein Association, Industry News

home_image3Check out the newly redesigned Holstein Association USA Web site. The new site is more member-friendly, having received a complete overhaul, with the goal of allowing members to access information and do business more easily.

Members will still have access to all of the features that they have in the past – the ability to order pedigrees, search for information on animals, view recognition lists, and download the latest genetic information. All of the menus and pages of information have been reorganized to provide easier, more intuitive navigation.

“The biggest change in the site will be the more user-friendly interface, which will allow members to access the information that they are looking for quickly and easily,” said Lindsey Worden, Communications Manager. “Our aim is to have a Web site that members come to as their first source for information about Holstein cattle and Association news.”

Some exciting new features are also being introduced. Members will have the option to order their official Holstein ear tags online and easily view account information and past orders. Other improvements include the ability to securely manage accounts and pay down account balances online, a site search function, and links to the most popular pages and lists right on the homepage.