Dairyline Markets In Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

DairylineDairy Markets Week in Review

Cheese trading at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange ended April on a down note. The blocks closed Friday at $1.1525 per pound, down 2 3/4-cents on the week, 78 3/4-cents below a year ago, and just 2 1/4-cents above the support price.

The barrels closed Friday at $1.0875, down 2 cents on the week, 84 1/4-cents below a year ago, and 1 1/4-cents below support. Fourteen cars of block traded hands on the week and 15 of barrel. The lagging NASS-surveyed U.S. block price average slipped to $1.2482, down 2.9 cents from the previous week while barrel averaged $1.1781, down 7.1 cents.

Cash butter closed Friday at $1.23, up three quarters on the week, but 21 cents below a year ago. Only three cars were sold on the week. NASS butter averaged $1.1645, down 0.9 cent. NASS nonfat dry milk averaged 82.21 cents, up 0.3 cent. Dry whey averaged 20.68 cents, up a half-cent.

Cash Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Friday at 87 cents per pound, up a half cent on the week, and Extra Grade closed at 85.5 cents, also up a half on bids.

Price support purchases for the week totaled 5.1 million pounds of nonfat dry milk, raising the cumulative total to 230.9 million so far for the year.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.