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Dairy farmers often struggle with feeding young calves and getting enough high quality colostrum into their bloodstream in the first 24 hours, but a product called Proteiva from APC can help.
I talked with Dr. Jim Quigley, APC vice president and director of Calf Operations, about Proteiva and what it offers dairy producers who are visiting World Dairy Expo this week. “Our colostrum replacer technology is based on a couple of ideas,” Jim said. “First, the calf requires a certain amount of globulin protein in the first 24 hours after birth to make sure its immune system is functioning on all cylinders. The second idea is that the calf needs the right kind of nutrition in the first 24 hours to make sure that its going to be able to grow fast and effectively.”
Find out more in this interview with Dr. Quigley from World Dairy Expo: