Athletes Chug Chocolate Milk After Workouts

Amanda NolzHealth, Milk

chocolate-milk Wow, what a positive message about dairy as a healthy part of a well-balanced diet! As shared by WLWT News in Omaha, Neb., athletes at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are now downing chocolate milk after practice, and they are liking the taste and the results they are getting from that glass of power and strength. What a great story! Check it out!

The strength coach at the University of Nebraska-Omaha has switched his athletes to chocolate milk from sports drinks, a move supported by mounting research that shows the childhood standby drink provides superior muscle recovery, KETV in Omaha reported. With its protein and sugar content, chocolate milk has been shown to rebuild muscles and replenish the body after strenuous workouts. In the past, UNO athletes have chugged pricey, carbohydrate-packed drinks after workouts. Now, Roberts Dairy supplies 1,600 cartons of chocolate milk a week at a low price.

“It’s good for your stomach, it’s good for your bones and it tastes good. I like it,” said UNO track and field athlete Madison Haugland.