Dairy Farmers Make One Request: Competitive Milk Pricing System

Amanda NolzAgribusiness, Dairy Business, Government

washington-dc Here is some information about a group of dairy farmers from across the country who traveled recently to Washington D.C. to lobby for a competitive milk pricing system in the future, an effort to save more dairy farms from closing their doors. As told by Farm and Dairy in their article, Dairy Farmers Make One Request: Competitive Milk Pricing System, here is some information about their trip to discuss the dairy crisis with Congress.

More than 100 dairy farmers from New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee traveled to Washington, D.C., Dec. 2 to meet with congressional representatives and other officials to present solutions that would end the worst dairy crisis since the Great Depression.

Dairy farmers met with members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the House Education and Labor Committee and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to urge immediate action to restore fairness in the dairy pricing system, enforce anti-trust laws and ensure that dairy farmers receive a fair price for their product. Dairy farmers also called on the USDA to quickly distribute emergency assistance aid that was authorized by Congress and President Obama under the 2010 Agriculture Appropriations Bill in October.