National DHIA Announces Scholarship Winners

News EditorCompetition

Congratulations to the 25 student winners of the National Dairy Herd Information Association (DHIA) Scholarship

This year’s National DHIA scholarship winners are: Tyler Lee Boyd, Parrotsville, Tenn.; Brett Boyum, Battle Lake, Minn.; Kevin Davis, Cokato, Minn.; Jean Haldeman, Ottsville, Pa.; Jessica Hammerand, Epworth, Iowa; Isaac Hammock, Chatham, Va.; Christy Hindman, Brockway, Pa.; Kayla Holscher, Twin Brooks, S.D.; Katelyn Horning, Manchester, Mich.; Logan Horst, Chambersburg, Pa.; Sarah Innerst, Red Lion, Pa.; April Johnson, Heron Lake, Minn.; Joshua Joseph, Viola, Wis.; Tera Koebel, Three Oaks, Mich. (Joe Drexler winner); Samuel Olson, Chetek, Wis.; Brenda Reiter, Elgin, Minn.; Laura Rosenhammer, Sleepy, Eye, Minn.; Jason Smith, Fremont, Mich.; Isaac Solum, Rice Lake, Wis.; Darcy Steffes, Elizabeth, Ill.; Brittany Thompson, Snow Camp, N.C.; Steven Joseph Toone, Grace, Idaho; Katelyn Walley, Walton, N.Y.; Tyler Warren, Watkins, Minn.; and Hannah Wentworth, Quarryville, Pa.

Judges evaluated applicants on scholastic achievement and leadership in school and community activities. To be eligible for a National DHIA scholarship, applicants must be a family member or employee of a herd on DHI test, a family member of a DHI employee, or an employee of a DHI affiliate. The DHI affiliate for the herd or affiliate employee must be a National DHIA member.
2010 marks the second year for awarding a scholarship in memory of Joe Drexler, who worked for NorthStar Cooperative DHI Services. NorthStar members and employees, friends and family contributed nearly $8,000 to establish this scholarship fund.

“Joe’s love of nature, animals, dairy cattle and the young people who strive to learn are the ingredients for this scholarship that his family, friends and colleagues established in his memory,” stated Mark Adam of NorthStar. “He was a friend to all and an inspiration to anyone who ever had the opportunity to spend time with him.”

Money generated from the annual National DHIA Scholarship Auction primarily funds the organization’s scholarship program. Investments and donations also help build the fund. To make a donation to the fund, contact National DHIA Scholarship Committee Chair Barb Roth at 616-897-7435, or; or National DHIA Communications and Events Manager JoDee Sattler at 608-848-6455, ext. 112, or

Source: National DHIA